Thursday 3 May 2012

Outdoor Play Ideas With Children - Scavenger Hunts

It's not always easy to come up with inspiring ideas for things we can do with our children, especially things that are thrifty and green.

A good idea for outside play / an outside activity with children is to create a list for a scavenger hunt and provide them with a box in which to collect the items they find. They will love searching for and finding the items on the list whilst at the same time getting fresh air and exercise and being away from the T.V. You could even extend the activity further to include crafting / decorating a box for the scavenger hunt first.

A scavenger hunt is also a great way to introduce children to learning about nature and can be an excellent conversation starter about all things relating to nature. It can be a simple hunt in your back garden or you may chose to go to a location such as local woods or even a beach. For variations you could use riddle clues or hide occasional treats around the garden. Very young children will need you to assist and read the items, or perhaps a picture list would be a good idea if they prefer to be more independent. Whichever way you chose children are sure to love this activity.

Some ideas to get your scavenger hunt list started:

Pine Cone
Smooth Pebble
Small leaf
Large leaf

For more ideas on things to do with children please see my posts on crafting with children here.

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